Posthumous medals of honor will be awarded at a ceremony... The words continued their steady march toward nowhere, dissolving into nonsense again.
At the end of every academic year, students with the strongest results are awarded prizes at a ceremony held in the school's great hall.
That effort bore its first fruit this week when 81 gifted teachers were awarded national teaching certification at a ceremony in Washington.
The Clios for commercials are to be awarded at a ceremony tonight in Miami Beach.
Jon was awarded community volunteer of 2008 at a ceremony in Manchester.
It was awarded to him at a ceremony at the Sorbonne in January 2009.
They were awarded their medals and diplomas at a ceremony in July 1949.
He was eventually awarded his Test cap at a capping ceremony in 2010, 58 years after first playing for the All Blacks.
The following awards were presented during the primary ceremonies, with other categories awarded at a non-televised ceremony the previous night:
He was repatriated in 1943, and awarded his VC at a ceremony in Cairo.