There was a backlog of atmospheric samples awaiting analysis.
Anxious patients will await further analysis to determine whether these latest findings add up to real progress or another dashed expectation.
The resulting bits and pieces were arranged in trays awaiting analysis.
She said archeologists would be eagerly awaiting further analysis that might confirm the date.
More precise placement of these types awaits further discoveries and analysis.
Studies with more favorable results were in hand, he noted, but "definitive conclusions and recommendations must await final analysis and peer review."
Two of the ten cultures made from the samples have failed to show trichothecenes; the other eight await analysis.
When the deadline passed, 75 schools remained untested, and thousands of samples awaited analysis in laboratories.
That will have to await spectrographic analysis of the light in the images, which can detect signatures of the ring chemistry.
Her B-sample is currently awaiting analysis.