To many, his rich, avuncular voice represented wholesomeness and authenticity.
Mr. Ashley, as usual, played the narrator, a casual, avuncular voice of everyday life.
'Good evening,' he heard the drone say in its most avuncular voice.
The filthy one with the toilet paper on his face was bending over his little girl and speaking in an unctuous avuncular voice.
An avuncular voice intoned something about 'the first generation of environments that work for you.
A strangely giddy but avuncular voice assures him that "now anywhere you go, your cartoons will follow!"
There's a pause, then a man with a deep, avuncular voice says, "Yes.
"Jump in," said Valentijn in his most avuncular voice.
"The best thing you could do," he told her in a kindly, avuncular voice.
"Sit down, young fellow," he said in a labored, sarcastic, and mock avuncular voice.