The audience laughed at the 12-step parody in a grand juror's avuncular advice, "Monica, none of us in this room are perfect."
When the son of a struggling immigrant businessman comes to him for avuncular advice, Ford kills him and makes it look a suicide.
Very likely, in which case perhaps I might be allowed to give some avuncular advice.
I see avuncular advice coming.
Mixing polemics with avuncular advice, the book points students to 58 colleges it considers academically rigorous and entertainingly takes aim at brand-name schools that offer "watered down" or "politically correct" curriculums.
Some editorials and articles offering avuncular advice to the Tories on how to win elections.
Jean was providing a service, and until I conceded to the first blackmail demand, I'd given her nothing but avuncular advice and a part-time job.
A well known designer and garden writer before coming to The Victory Garden, Weishan quickly became known for avuncular practical advice combined with a trademark sense of humor.
And now he had offered her avuncular advice!
And finally there are the hours invested by 150 consultants, hired in the last seven years, who give avuncular advice over the phone on taxes, investment, estate planning and the like.