Despite the leadership's avowed policy of promoting younger officials, only two of the 23 elected today were under the age of 60.
The Administration need only implement its avowed policy of not dealing with terrorists.
It was the avowed policy of the government to prevent any increase in the number of Jewish residents in the Czech provinces.
From its first issue, the Arizonian's avowed policy was to promote the resources of the area, and secure a separate government for Arizona.
This may often be the avowed policy, but the planning acts explicitly permit the continuance of existing uses.
For years India had walked a diplomatic tightrope between East and West, with an avowed policy of nonalignment with any other world power.
The attainment of Soviet-style command socialism became the government's avowed policy.
The Soviets had an avowed policy of influencing U.S. government policy, and the Democrats let them.
but for any discussions to take place, there has to be a change in the avowed policy of the United States to destroy the Sandinista revolution.
The Kim regime is heavily invested in an avowed military-first policy, and in continuity - despite marching down a cul-de-sac.