Sensible precautions should be taken to avoid sunburn and dehydration.
It is important to use a sunscreen whenever you go out into the sun to avoid sunburn.
These precautions help you avoid sunburn in the short term and skin cancer in the long term.
To avoid sunburn, most people apply suitable sunscreen to skin exposed to the sun, but others use oils to accelerate the tanning process.
During the summer the coat becomes lighter in color, reflecting light as well as helping avoid sunburn.
People with psoriasis should avoid sunburn at all costs, as sunburns can exacerbate the disorder.
While in Maldives you should take precautions to avoid sunburn and dehydration.
Other treatment include exposing the affected area of the skin to sunlight (while avoiding sunburn).
Sun protection is the best way to avoid sunburn, even on overcast days.
Exposure to natural sunlight can be helpful for atopic dermatitis, but it is important to avoid sunburn.