Contestants who fall off the fin onto the carousel rarely can avoid sliding down the sloped sides and into the water below.
When laying bricks directly on sand, avoid sliding them into position, as this creates a ridge of sand between them.
However, some European Union countries - including the United Kingdom - managed to avoid sliding into recession during this period.
"The purpose of this book is to help our culture avoid sliding into a dead end," she writes at the start of the compact, 241-page work.
The final practice sessions had still been heart-inthe-mouth experiences, but they had managed to avoid sliding into one another.
One thing is clear to state Republicans: an overhaul is in order, and the party's remodeling will have to begin immediately to avoid sliding into irrelevance.
Crewmen were desperately trying to avoid sliding forward.
Be careful to avoid sliding into out-of-date and inappropriate roles simply out of habit.
But by spending wisely it can keep problems under control and avoid sliding backward into a worse state of disrepair.