Your hands and the floor must be dry to avoid shock from faulty electrical components.
But because the blood was replaced as he lost it, he avoided shock, a key way in which immediate trauma care saves lives.
To avoid shock, the dog would run to the other chamber.
Eventually, the dogs learned to avoid shock entirely by running to the other side in the interval between lighting and electrification.
However, common features can be found, whether a rat is learning to avoid poison or shock.
His repudiation of the national bank was tempered, as he suggested a winding down period to avoid economic shock.
They can be adapted while young to either fresh or marine water but a slow transition is necessary to avoid shock or even death.
Try to stop the bleeding and avoid shock.
Here are a couple of things you might keep in mind to help avoid shock and aggravation at the polls on Tuesday.
We always feel it's important to avoid precipitating cultural shock, of course.