Serenity, neatness-cleanliness, happiness, salubrious air, which would avoid evil sentiments and quarrels amongst people, self-sacrifice, so that every one leads a quality life.
He describes himself, with apparent pride, as someone whose style is to avoid quarrels, to say as little as possible of what he actually feels.
Saladin was courteous, shy and self-contained, and avoided quarrels.
It hews to strict, conservative beliefs but avoids theological quarrels.
But in such snarling and bickering Wesley was out of his element, and, he seems to have avoided future quarrels.
Trying to avoid quarrels, she hired an assistant to prevent her from making headlines with her behavior.
Shaltut desperately wanted to overcome misconstructions and avoid quarrels between the two sects.
Like virtually all Olympic Games, whether modern or ancient, they could not avoid quarrels, frequently with political and geographic resonance.
I would, therefore, like to take this opportunity today to call on the Member States to avoid public quarrels.
By custom, all weapons were left under guard, outside the pleasure rooms, to avoid lethal quarrels with other clients, and also to prevent any lady from ending her life.