Avoid technical terms or phrases which, although familiar to you, may be unknown to your listener.
But the missionary board also learned to tone down its oratory, avoiding phrases like "army of missionaries" or "target" cities.
Do not lie, and avoid smarmy phrases like, "I could make a real contribution," or "I'm a people person."
Particular care should be taken with the use of language in this context, for example avoiding phrases such as "the two main parties".
The official said researchers had long been advised to avoid phrases that might mark their work as controversial.
I must try to avoid machine-taught phrases.
The panel was careful to avoid phrases and rigid timelines that might alienate the White House.
During the solos, he avoided the preplanned ideas and phrases most improvisers use.
Also, one doesn't have to be the last Victorian to wish that she had avoided phrases like "badmouth" and "ticked him off."