The Administration wants to retain the flexibility it is allowed under current law and avoid opening Federal regulations to endless litigation.
Obviously avoiding opening the jaw too wide helps, but some people who repeatedly get the problem may need surgery on the joints.
I asked, trying to avoid opening my eyes and coming to grips with reality once more.
If I'd known about the incident with the girl, I would have known how to avoid opening the door on her testimony.
The driver spoke into a small microphone, perhaps in order to avoid opening the window.
Using this method also avoids opening the file through an internet browser.
The question becomes: If we're going to admit such critters, how do we avoid opening the barn door to anyone with a home page?
She said that the bicentenary celebrations were being kept low key to avoid opening fresh wounds.
He left the room by the outer door, as if to avoid opening the inner one again.
State officials said Atlantic Beach decided not to participate in the project because it wants to avoid opening its beaches to the public.