These excess capabilities are not frills, but are necessary for maintainability and for avoiding early obsolescence.
The struggle to avoid obsolescence is one of the hardest tasks facing any pop musician.
It has avoided obsolescence in an age of easy refrigeration simply because it makes food taste so good.
A technology upgrade clause is one way to avoid obsolescence by allowing an agency to buy advanced versions of equipment or software when they become available.
Home Theater hobbyists use JP1 to avoid obsolescence.
Digital preservation requires specific procedures to avoid decay, obsolescence, and loss.
But after a fright, they have resolved that their industry needs some intellectual restructuring to avoid Gorbachev-induced obsolescence.
"A broad education leaves engineers better prepared to communicate, to avoid technological obsolescence and to learn new skills as technology advances," he said.
Aging shuttles can be safely flown as long as necessary if they are carefully maintained and appropriately upgraded to avoid obsolescence.
That easy upward mobility is new for Apple and should be reassuring to buyers wanting to avoid quick obsolescence.