So we left the guests to choose their own subjects; and, to avoid monotony, we changed them.
Texaco has been the sponsor since 1940, but to avoid monotony, the scripts now vary; on Saturday, his first word was "Welcome."
Delille, however, like Thomson before him, was unable to avoid monotony and want of coherency.
Less speculatively, the flexibility of rhythm possible within the system allows for variety and avoids monotony.
To avoid visual monotony, architectural elements were reversed on some houses, and others were turned sideways on their lots.
To hedge his bets and avoid monotony, he also shot 30-second versions in sepia.
Catchy rhythm, with a break to avoid monotony.
The overall effect of this is stability, and the compositional challenge is to avoid monotony.
Varying the style may avoid monotony.
The street elevations are varied slightly to avoid monotony, creating generally attractive street frontages.