But all exchanges must be carefully planned and monitored to avoid leakage of military secrets.
I don't want to wear absorbent pads or try a pessary to avoid leakage.
If they suffer from mild incontinence, they may use a sheath or condom, which has to be fitted correctly to avoid leakage.
Secondly the closure of one valve reduces the pressure differential across the other, allowing a more reliable seal and avoiding even minor leakage.
High thickness, to avoid dielectric breakdown and leakage by quantum tunneling.
Care must be taken to avoid leakage, and to isolate oxygen and fuel gas supplies, when not in use.
Staves had angled edges that had to fit perfectly to avoid leakage.
It is used to avoid leakage of the components, and to upgrade the surface treatment.
In order to avoid leakage at the packing or seal particularly when a liquid is dangerous, toxic, or noxious, diaphragm pumps are used for metering.