While working with interpreters, it is important to remember lag time in order to avoid accidentally interrupting one another and to receive the entire message.
Candidates should get used to the timing, to avoid interrupting the interviewer.
On Sundays they were closed three-quarters of an hour later, to avoid interrupting the amusements of the people.
These improvements are being made gradually to avoid interrupting play.
He replaced apostrophes with forward slashes "/," which were closer on the typewriter, to avoid interrupting his flow of writing.
There was a pause, during which, David assumed, the two were looking at each other to avoid interrupting.
Louis kept his voice down to avoid interrupting Harkabeeparolyn.
Analysts and computer industry officials say they expect Motorola to be forced to settle soon to avoid interrupting supplies of the 68030.
Or worse taking multiple shots of a picture when polite passers by are waiting to avoid not interrupting your photos!
Burgeson was almost going cross-eyed in his attempts to avoid interrupting her.