Marriage within the same gotra is prohibited, which may be a method to avoid inbreeding.
Young males remain with the group, while females move away to find a new group, and thus avoid inbreeding.
In other species, there are behavioural drives the function of which is to avoid inbreeding.
It also advised breeders to avoid inbreeding to reduce the chance of doubling up on the harmful gene.
A resident male may also leave a vacancy when his daughter becomes the breeding female and he must disperse to avoid inbreeding.
Differing accents might also help identify pod members and thus avoid inbreeding.
In addition, many animals - including humans - appear to avoid inbreeding, making identifying nonrelatives critical.
As with other livestock, it is important to avoid inbreeding and genetically identical stock.
Chemical signaling can even be used to find genetically different mates and avoid inbreeding.
People were supposed to have instincts to avoid inbreeding, right?