We place it there because we've determined that's the safest spot to avoid discomfort and any interference with your metatarsal arch.
Back on Home, it usually meant avoiding annoyance or discomfort.
Staying in a "bad" relationship to try to avoid discomfort, guilt, and potential feelings of loneliness a break-up might entail.
Spending so much time attempting to avoid discomfort, that you have little time for anyone or anything else in your life.
He made no attempt to pull away, though, perhaps having learned from three years' experience how to avoid any needless further discomfort.
But to avoid discomfort it is even more important not to rush the ascent so that you acclimate to the rapid rise in altitude.
A big challenge for people who are lactose-intolerant is learning how to eat to avoid discomfort and to get enough calcium for healthy bones.
Add fiber gradually over a period of a few weeks to avoid abdominal discomfort.
This is done primarily to avoid discomfort caused by conventional phrases or by further elaboration.
Often, a change in lovemaking positions is needed to avoid discomfort to body parts affected by cancer.