Various strategems were used to avoid depicting them in modern scenes.
The filmmakers chose the modern and innovative architecture of the new town to avoid depicting any particular country.
Looking at his paintings, he avoided depicting modern facilities such as buildings and railways.
But the prosecutor also seemed to be walking a tightrope in his effort to avoid depicting his own witness as untruthful.
There was debate about the merits of the producer's decision to avoid depicting the two battles between the Starks and Lannisters.
DeMille also avoided depicting people as purely good or evil.
The dress of figures is equally shown with great care, although artists understandably often avoid depicting the patterned cloth that many would have worn.
Despite its urban setting, the producers decided to avoid depicting more negativity than what was already present in the child's environment.
The writers wanted to avoid improperly depicting hypnosis as a medical technique.
But she said that it would be dishonest to avoid depicting violence in films.