Incoming infrastructure for coffee was similar to that designed and used for tea production, but separated to avoid cross-contamination.
If only a few milliliters or milligrams of sample are available, care must be taken to minimize loss and avoid cross-contamination.
Keep raw meat away from fruits, vegetables, and any other foods you're going to eat without cooking, to avoid bacterial cross-contamination.
(To avoid cross-contamination, gloves should be changed between collecting unrelated items of evidence or when visibly soiled.)
Separate raw meat, poultry and egg products from cooked foods to avoid cross-contamination.
Health-care providers should advise HIV-infected persons to avoid cross-contamination of foods.
To avoid cross-contamination from dirty hands and lukewarm surfaces, replace the platters each time you set out more food.
In addition, companies will be required to keep fish at the proper temperatures and to keep raw and cooked fish separate to avoid cross-contamination.
We accept the need to introduce additional and stricter requirements to avoid cross-contamination.
In terms of food safety, especially avoiding cross-contamination, the warehouse is state of the art.