Avoiding consumption of all reef fish (any fish living in warm tropical waters) is the only sure way to avoid exposure.
Avoiding heavy consumption of alcohol dramatically reduces the risk of developing this condition.
Other sources consider the species inedible, or recommend avoiding consumption, "since most of them have not yet been tested for toxins."
Avoid consumption of white items like milk, curd, rice.
"We will continue to warn consumers to avoid consumption of dietary supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids."
People were also requested to avoid consumption of uncooked fruits and fruit products.
During treatment, patients are asked to avoid consumption of tomatoes, vinegar, pork, alcohol, salt, sugar, and white flour products.
However, caffeine in any form can cause rebound headaches, so most headache specialists advise their patients to avoid or reduce consumption.
Hence, some guides recommend avoiding consumption of Hygrophoropsis as well.
Several government food safety agencies advise consumers to avoid consumption of hijiki seaweed.