Avoid new concentrations of poverty.
He scored a few successes but the guerillas learned to avoid major concentrations of French troops.
A 75% majority also said that immigrants should be dispersed throughout the country to avoid concentrations of immigrant populations within certain areas.
Spaces where gas is blended or oxygen is stored should be well ventilated to avoid high concentrations of oxygen and the risk of fire.
Each of these executives is responsible for adhering to loan standards and avoiding risky concentrations of loans in their business group.
Security checkpoints are needed, but this is a time when we should be especially cautious about avoiding large concentrations of people in situations with no way out.
For a single reaction in a closed system of varying volume the so-called rate of conversion can be used, in order to avoid handling concentrations.
"So what we need is to avoid concentrations of amoebae, and we won't be caught in an explosion," Colene said.
Are there equally effective reforms that avoid dangerous concentrations of power?
The aircraft used two routes, carefully avoiding known concentrations of German anti-aircraft flak, and were timed to cross the enemy coast simultaneously.