In 1989 he avoided bullets at the Beijing Tiananmen Square massacre.
Though wounded, the fellow had avoided bullets well.
Besides, Harry didn't want a goal, unless avoiding bullets could be counted as such.
With his knees drawn up to his chest, the guy's trying to make himself as small as possible, to avoid ricochets and stray bullets.
He learned to run zigzag to avoid bullets.
Both Blackthorne and his enemies can press against walls to avoid incoming bullets.
The Shadow had hurled himself upon them, risking that path as the one way to avoid bullets.
Pressing the jump back button, will make Vamp swiftly move backwards, however, this move does not avoid bullets.
It has also been alleged that he only leaped through the window to avoid bullets that passed into his room.
The army's aim is to move out with as few Palestinians around as possible - to avoid stones and, worse, bullets.