Lon made the easy guess that the aircraft had been instructed to avoid damaging buildings if possible, to just go after men who were outside.
But there is more to a development being "nice" than avoiding buildings that look like carbuncles.
While avoiding new buildings, stay away from old ones too.
Planning started in 1990 and after some changes on the track to avoid buildings, in the year 2003 the construction started.
The pilot was able to avoid several buildings but crashed into a powerline.
The machines must average 20 miles an hour over all, while avoiding houses and other buildings.
Others avoid buildings or work areas that they had previously been comfortable in.
They opted for the river to avoid people and buildings.
The pilot was killed but she is credited with trying to avoid casualties on the ground and avoiding several tall buildings.
Still, a growing number of people in the real estate industry want to avoid asbestos-filled buildings.