Develop pieces, aim for central control and avoid simple blunders and you should be able to survive at least three rounds of chess against Magnus Carlsen.
If the physical impacts of future development can be meaningfully envisioned before zoning rules are rewritten or special permits are granted, it may be possible to avoid planning blunders.
And in pressure situations, Duval has become a master at avoiding critical blunders.
Counterfactuals serve a preparative function, and help people avoid past blunders.
We are eager to avoid future blunders.
Unlike some previous Pataki ads, which have relied on erroneous economic statistics, this commercial carefully avoids such blunders.
Picquart shared his impression; but determined to avoid the indiscretions and blunders which had been committed in 1894, he decided to secretly investigate himself before spreading the news of the discovery.
The President's shift in policy is an effort to avoid further blunders and at the same time prevent the progress already made from being undermined.
I daresay it was my fault, yet I took pains to avoid such blunders.
Bob Kapp, president of the U.S.-China Business Council, says his advice on how to avoid blunders in China has not changed in 30 years.