In conversation, people avoid blaming one side or the other for the terror that circumscribes their lives.
Avoid negative self-talk Feeling ashamed or embarrassed or blaming yourself for your pain won't help you manage it.
The doctor should try to explain the symptoms, avoid blaming the patient for them, and work with the patient to develop a symptom management plan.
Additionally, describing someone as having learned to be helpless can serve as a reason to avoid blaming him or her for the inconveniences experienced.
Avoid blaming yourself, even if he tries to pass the buck onto you - "This is your fault because you're always so controlling!"
The report avoids blaming either Mexico or the United States.
Even so, I would have been hard- pressed to avoid blaming the drugs.
Managers should avoid blaming interpersonal conflicts on "personality clashes".
Thus, feminists argue, it can be used to scapegoat mothers of minor children, partly to avoid blaming fathers.
But the trade commission's chairman carefully avoided blaming violent entertainment for violence in society.