By the early 1980s, Aeroflot had experienced massive growth in the aviation market.
During its most successful period in the 1920s and 1930s, it dominated the civil aviation market.
At the time, as it is today, the general aviation market was priced beyond the means of the average consumer.
CitationAir is one of the four major players in the private aviation market.
For now, though, the aviation market is an abundant bazaar.
This report should also accommodate the downside of a worldwide aviation market.
I agree with the Commissioner that the single aviation market has been a singular success.
The ideal agreement would be one that proposed a complete opening up of the aviation market, without any restrictions on either side.
Still, the structure of the aviation market in Europe has altered fundamentally over the past ten years.
An important opportunity for a consolidated representation in the European aviation market has been lost.