The Golden Eagle is one of the most powerful predators in the avian world.
Oh, yes, singing is good for mating, but it is also good for just getting along in the avian world.
"the armpit of the avian world" article by Rebecca sloan slotnick.
This has led the species to have one of the most bizarre and elaborate courtship displays in the avian world.
In the avian world, puffins and penguins are often lumped together because of their superficial similarities.
Despite its unique characteristics in the avian world, Calliope Hummingbird has not been well studied, leaving much of its life history unknown.
To find another animal with this ability we have to look outside the avian world to the largest land animal - the elephant.
C1 In-law troubles at breeding time in the avian world.
The Turkey Vulture forages by smell, an ability that is uncommon in the avian world.
The pale, pinkish bill is enormous, even by pelican standards, and is the largest bill in the avian world.