Snow is rare but occurs at least once or twice in an average winter and frost is not as severe as areas further inland.
From zero to three accumulating snowfalls may be expected in an average winter.
However in an average winter only the top 150-200 meters of the lake are mixed, whereas the water below is stably stratified by salinity.
In the average winter the "1,000 metre snowline" sees most of the mountains with snow.
In an average winter I'll force 400 or 500 tulip bulbs, 200 daffodils, 150 hyacinths.
In an average winter, 47.0 in (1.3m) of snow falls.
In an average winter, New York State spreads some 600,000 tons of rock salt.
Even their premise - that the Met Office "confidently predicted a warmer than average winter for Britain" - is wrong.
The caterpillar pictured in the Colorado ad actually suggests that this is going to be an average winter; it has a substantial middle brown band.
What is average winter and summer rainfall?