The average gross turnout for food crops was 6.93 cwt.
April 20 - The first phase of the vote is held, with average turnouts of between 50% and 55%.
The average turnout among the 93 million eligible voters was more than 55 percent, according to the Election Commission.
The average turnout for all states holding primaries was even lower: 16.9 percent, the lowest ever recorded.
The average turnout for referendums was at 49.2% in 2011.
The 2,429 votes were off by more than 26 percent from the average turnout in the first 10 votes.
The crowd of 14,098 - the Nets' average turnout is 10,328 - wasn't especially concerned with the outcome.
The Conservative Party won overwhelming support there on a higher than average turnout.
The six states with this registration have an average turnout of 68 percent, well above the national average.
The average turnout was 24.9% all over the Presidency.