But the average shopper may be a different customer.
Maybe a little, but the fact that the average shopper's visit lasts three hours is a testament to the immersive environment.
"Why can't the average shopper in Harlem have a range of options that looks like any other neighborhood?"
For instance, the average shopper in our other malls makes a typical purchase of about $60 to $66.
That means the average shopper who would normally spend £60 could save a fiver a week on their groceries.
Computer companies, whose customers are more Internet-savvy than the average shopper, do a significant portion of their sales on line.
The average shopper would be horrified to know the terrible story behind the logging of mahogany.
Their labels obviously do not reflect the average shopper.
The average shopper "thinks it's some kind of marketing scheme," she said.
I'm probably more intense than the average shopper.