An average of 2 metres of rain fall each year, ranging from 1728 to 3112 mm.
The average, he guessed, ranges from 500 to 2,500 members.
With the national average of vacant retail space now ranging to 11 percent, the comparable retail rate for Long Island is a mere 2 percent.
From March 2001 through July 2002, when the number of payroll jobs declined each month, the four-week average ranged from 365,000 to 496,000.
The averages ranged from $594 a month in Manhattan to $360 a month in the Bronx.
The averages range from Toronto's $1,708,000 to Colorado's $327,926.
His salary is $3.372 million this season and the average on his next multiyear contract could range from $6 million to $10 million.
Coming into the game, their scoring averages ranged between 6.2 and 11 points.
Rainfall is very low and yearly averages range from 100 to 200 millimeters (mm), with less rain falling closer to the coast.
For men and boys, the averages ranged from 9,000 to 11,000.