It also has an average payout of 57.95%, up from 53% in the previous version.
The cost of the mostly open-ended fund reached $7 billion (the average payout was $1.8 million per family).
It tripled the average payout for getting five numbers right to about $3,000.
Las Vegas casinos usually offer the highest average payouts of all - better than 95 percent.
The average payout is expected to be $1.85 million, minus life insurance payments, pensions and some other benefits received by the families.
The average payout at every other public body was more than the national average.
Per head, the average payout has fallen from $498,000.
Both states expect the average payout to be less than $100,000, and neither state expects to have any money left over.
The average payout was small, $375 to $1,250, according to the fund.
The total would work out to an average payout of about $12,000 or less for each survivor.