Property tax bills range from $100 to $4,000, with the average payment being $500.
For an elderly couple, the average payment will go up by $11, to $833.
In 1989, it paid for twice as many procedures, 3,578, at an average payment of $708.
This policy will cost about $350 to $400 a year, compared to the current average premium payment of $1,100.
The average payment per month rose from $133 to $166.
The average payment offered on a claim - many involving more than one policy - has been about $6,200.
As of 2013 average annual payments have been estimated at £533M.
But an average payment for each home would be about $40,000, enough to allow a move to another neighborhood here or elsewhere in the area.
Our average payments have been more than 50 percent of exports.
And among the mothers who did receive cash, the average payment was just $2,300.