The average pace of the stampeders on the smooth going was three miles and a half an hour.
The dance simply follows the beat of the music and can go from average pace to very fast.
Both trains covered the 466 mile route at an average pace of 49mph.
Lance rides at an average pace of 25 to 30 miles an hour.
The average pace will be 100 miles a day.
The gain in business equipment this past quarter was similar to the average pace of increase over the past two years.
That put last month's sales above the average pace for last year, the industry's best ever, with 17 million vehicles sold.
She may be chasing an Olympic gold medal after running an average pace of 5:26 here.
By shifting off, they could travel much of the day and night, effectively doubling their average pace.
The field is projected to grow at an average pace.