You'll grow an average of about 4 inches a year.
Buffalo gets an average of 93.5 inches a year.
There is an average of only 4.6 inches of snow annually.
May receives the most precipitation with an average of 5.83 inches (14.8 cm).
Each one stood an average of five inches high.
Northern searobins grow to an average of 17 inches (43 cm) long.
The rainforest gets an average of 50 to 250 inches of rain through the year.
The area received an average of 8.21 inches, he said, half of what it usually gets in that period.
In Sicily, the high is 77 and the low 60; there are eight rainy days with an average of three inches.
An average of 19 inches falls annually and it is usually gone in a few days.