The apartments would have an average of 500 square feet each.
This layer extended out from the building an average of 300 feet in every direction.
At an average of 280 square feet, the rooms are on the small side.
The new stores are an average of 25,000 square feet.
R-40 trains needed an average of 276 feet to stop from 30 miles an hour, and several models did worse.
Interior standing room is an average of six feet.
They are already disappearing at an average of 2 to 3 feet a year.
Its elevation, an average of 16 feet above sea level, protects it from most flooding conditions.
In addition, at an average of 700 square feet each, these units were much roomier.
It spans 3,335 feet at an average of 172 feet above ground and is still in use today.