The longtime average of 75 cents per $100 climbed to $1.14 in 1995.
In 1992 states charged an average of 25 cents.
This came to 0.0013 percent or an average of 10 cents from each domestic program.
With competition almost eliminated, prices dropped to an average of four cents a pound from 1901 to 1903.
Parole supervision costs an average of 99 cents a day.
Authors make an average of only fourteen cents per paperback sold.
"For every dollar you put in, you get back an average of 57 or 58 cents."
He then sells additional advertising worth an average of 30 cents a household to go in each bag.
That is an average of 19 cents for each of more than 800 million claims.
Wholesale prices have increased an average of 36 cents.