I'm guessing in an average month I probably fly about 50,000 miles for work.
A seat to Moscow, 1,500 miles to the northwest, costs an average month's factory pay.
Every four years, the women were asked how much alcohol they had used during an average month in the past year.
In an average month they make more than 11 million edits between them.
"Now our C-store will do between $30,000 and $40,000 on just an average month."
They are expensive, running up to $3.30, about the average month's pay here.
In an average month the task force recovers 50 cars.
Five thousand was probably what she dropped on restaurant tables as tips in the course of an average month.
During the Clinton years, the economy added 236,000 jobs in an average month.
In an average month, he said, one of the 80 stocks that make up his portfolio is bought out by another bank.