Average maximum yearly temperature is 28.7 degrees Celsius and average minimum is 21.9.
San Diego has an average maximum temperature of 69 and an average minimum of 51.
September is the warmest month with an average maximum of and an average minimum of .
The average minimum, maximum, and rainfall for each month is:
Its climate is tropical, presenting average minimum of 16 and maximum averages of 26.
Her average maximum discharge is 6.260m3/s and the average minimum is 3.570 m3/s.
Average daily maximum temperatures then are 77 degrees, with average minimums at 58.
MA programs in Canada vary in length from 1-3 years, with two years being the average minimum.
The average minimum and maximum temperature is 20 C and 48 C respectively.
That average annual maximum temperature is 60.0 degrees, with the average annual minimum at 35.8.