There was much in the story that an average listener might have found incredible.
While the average listener in, say, Brazil, was presented with maybe 15 radio stations a few decades ago, now he faces 600.
When it is done correctly, the average listener (and even many professionals) cannot tell the difference.
Noises that the average listener would not have heard.
It is also fair to point out at the start that such speakers aren't for average listeners.
When any music form becomes cluttered and/or complicated you lose the average listener's ear.
The amount of time an average listener spends listening to the station or program before channel surfing.
The average listener was 21 during this period, compared to the average age of 11 at the movie houses.
This is largely due to his focus on making instrumental guitar music more, "accessible" to the average listener.
To my mind, the average listener doesn't appreciate the technical feats of most jazz artists.