The average growth from 1965 to 1970 was about 2.5%.
In the period from 1992 to 1996, average growth was 12%.
He said the region's economy should enjoy above average growth in 1992.
This is more than three times the average growth for all businesses.
The average growth of Serbian industry total from 2000 to 2008 were 3.07% per year.
It has sustained average economic growth of over 9.3% since 1989.
That would clock the average growth for the first half at 4.3 percent - not bad.
This amounts to an average growth of slightly over 75% per year.
During the 1980's, the average yearly growth in state spending was almost 11 percent.
Over the past five years the average growth in new installations has been 27.6 percent each year.