The road to the summit has an average gradient of 7.6%.
The total length of the course is 179 yards, and the average gradient is 1:7.
The climb has an average gradient of about 4%.
The climb from Marysville is 21.3km long and rises at an average gradient of 4.3%.
The first 4.3km of the climb are the most challenging with an average gradient of 8.1%.
The climb from Mazamet is 17 km long with a 5.7% average gradient.
The climb is 15.3 km long and has an average gradient of 6.2%.
It is approximately 3.7 miles in length and has an average gradient of 49 feet per mile.
The walls are 14 3/4 feet high, and the average gradient is 16 1/2 degrees.
The run is only three miles and has an average gradient of 50 feet per mile.