Those banks had an average exposure equal to 312 percent of their capital, up from 269 percent at the end of last year.
For example, the 25 banks with the largest credit exposures to commercial and industrial loans have an average exposure equal to 862 percent of their capital.
To determine these tolerances, regulators use data based on the average exposure to a particular pesticide of the entire population.
Of the some 600 workers who have routinely come into contact with the radioactive materials at Fernald, the average exposure is 0.2 rems.
During his 24 hours wearing the monitor, his average exposure was 127 micrograms per cubic meter.
As of Thursday, the average exposure among these timers was significantly less pessimistic, at minus 57 percent.
The average exposure among that group is now 36 percent, up more than 100 percentage points from an April 10 reading of minus 85 percent.
That was 60 percent above the Lehman Brothers index, which measures the average exposure of all managed bond funds.
This unique case is over 80 times higher than the world average natural human exposure to radiation.
The global average human exposure to artificial radiation is 0.6 mSv/a, primarily from medical imaging.