Your average annual dividend runs from a few hundred thousand to a couple of million pounds per head.
According to the Tote, the average dividend is over £500 for a winning place line.
The company paid an average dividend of over 16 percent per year from 1602 to 1650.
The average dividend is about 3.5 to 4 percent, compared with an average of 6 percent for American companies.
The Carbon Tax Center projects that the second year after implementation, the average dividend would be $160 per person.
The accompanying map depicts average dividends per taxpayer in each of America's 3,141 counties in 2003.
The highest peak depicts a county that has nearly 1,600 times the average dividends of the lowest county.
He expects the average corporate dividend to increase by 15 percent this year, the strongest growth in more than a decade.
The average national dividend per person would probably exceed $12,000 per year under today's economic conditions.
That drove prices so high that the average dividend paid by companies in the Standard & Poor's 500 is now barely 1 percent.