Each company's light truck fleet must average 21.2 miles per gallon in the 2005 model year and 22.2 by 2007.
They average one homicide a year there, by the way.
They averaged 68.2 points per game, the most by one team in a single season.
Consequently, Russia probably will not average 10 million barrels a day by the year 2006.
In size the eggs average about 1.45 by 1.05 inches.
The workers were to receive cash payments averaging $500 by last Friday.
The patronage was averaging 19,000 per day by December 2006.
The team's attendance ended up averaging around 14,550 by the end of the season.
With a current workforce of about 32,000 men and women, unemployment averaged around 10 percent in 1989, an average year by most standards.
Savings averaged about $74 a person, with some cutting rates by thousands of dollars.