The average amplitude of pulses is measured by the density of those pulses over time, thus a low pass filter is the only step required in the decoding process.
The average amplitude for VEP waves usually falls between 5 and 10 microvolts.
The average amplitude is then calculated along a time sample, resulting in significantly lowering the random noise but also losing all valuable information about the relationship between seismic amplitude and offset.
The tidal system is semi-diurnal with an average amplitude of 5.7 m, varying from 1 m on neap tides to 10.5 m on the highest spring tides.
Another type of normalization is based on a measure of loudness, wherein the gain is changed to bring the average amplitude to a target level.
The intensity of the light at a given point is proportional to the square of the average amplitude of the wave.
The average amplitude of accommodation, in diopters, for a patient of a given age may be estimated by Hofstetter's formula: 18.5 - (0.30 * patient age in years).
A transient of short duration, comprising part of a pulse, during which the amplitude considerably exceeds the average amplitude of the pulse.
For decaying signals the rms is not equal to the average amplitude.
The idea behind the theory was the observation that the average amplitude of thermal vibrations increases with increasing temperature.