Levy also presented avant-garde movies in the gallery.
The festival, which has drawn an average attendance of 1,000 people each year since its opening in 1988, has shown some exceptional avant-garde movies.
By a mischievous twist of logic, couldn't that blank Warner Brothers DVD be thought of as the most avant-garde movie ever "released" by a major studio?
Between 1936 and 1997 Burckhardt made 95 avant-garde movies, 9 of which are being screened at the Grey Gallery.
I got into avant-garde movies and surrealism as an escape from reality.
LEAD: Brazil 2000 Brazil 2000 Brazil 2000 sounds more like an avant-garde movie than a restaurant.
Ms. Friedman's 12-minute avant-garde movie "Total" is a film of the artist destroying an ordinary bedroom, projected backward, which may sound like a dumb idea but is actually funny and captivating to watch.
K Map The Andy Warhol Museum celebrates Pittsburgh's coolest native son, who became famous for his pop art, avant-garde movies, celebrity connections and Velvet Underground spectaculars.
I was doing avant-garde movies before I got together with John.
Next door, the German Film Museum, (69) 212-38830, is showing avant-garde movies from Austria this month, some with the director present.