The available spectrum in Chicago is already crowded with television channels, leaving little room for a new broadcast station.
But so far these companies have been slow to build networks using their available spectrum.
But with such a broad spectrum available, how can fans of international racing keep track of their favorite teams or events?
Other types are dependent on parts of the spectrum available for cognitive radio:
As a practical matter, however, the only chunk of spectrum available is the one used for air-to-ground phones.
This way you get highest utilisation of the available spectrum and resources while avoiding natural monopolies like now.
The fact of decreasing the military forces does not mean that their available spectrum should be decreased as well.
The areas where this technology will do the most good, are the areas with plenty of available spectrum.
Thus if you examine them with much of the available spectrum, you will see little or no variation.
"We therefore think it is appropriate, and so propose to, in effect, reserve some of the available spectrum for a fourth national wholesaler."