Research shows a 25-30% increase in the amount of available organs in opt-out countries.
These laws help increase the amount of available organs, decreasing the reliance of patients on the black market.
"However, having more organs available is clearly what we need."
Many, if not most, of the organs available in China are believed to come from executed prisoners.
The post-revolutionary world will not be without problems, though, including the need for wrenching ethical decisions about who gets the limited number of available organs.
Information about available organs can be found on the group's Web site, www.organclearinghouse .
The only transplantable organs available - those from people who had recently died - were scarce and did not usually produce satisfactory results.
Unfortunately, there are no organs available to perform any of these five transplant operations.
Every day, 12 people die because of the shortage of organs available for transplantation.
Doctors have to match newly available organs and recipients within hours.