Each year, about 700,000 pregnant women in the United States are put on bed rest, according to the best available estimates.
The best estimates now available suggest that only about 1 percent of Americans were missed in 1980.
There are no reliable estimates available on the number of mobile cellular phones in use.
However even currently available estimates already show encouraging results in the case 2 scenario described above.
The most recently available estimates, dating from the 1980s, are that there are about 3,000 to 4,000 speakers of the language.
Bar-S had revenue of $365 million in fiscal 2000, up 22 percent over the previous year, according to the latest available estimates.
The six-month standard is arbitrary, and best available estimates of longevity may be incorrect.
According to the best available scientific estimates, 99.9 percent of carcinogens in the diet come from natural sources.
"Is an estimate available for when the deliberations will be complete?"
Statistics compiled using local country statistics or best available estimates.